Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lesser of two evils

Joe the plumber: "McCain appalled me."

Although you can't always take a person word for word, especially when they are constantly being interviewed by the liberal media, it is still unfortunate when these things turn up.

Just one day after Governor Blogojevich was arrested on conspiracy to sell Obama's senate seat (which means it's hard telling what other corruption has taken place while Obama DID hold his place in the senate) we find out that, once again, we have probably voted for simply "the lesser of two evils" - once again, so to say.

Joe the plumber says that McCain appalled him so much that he was ready to jump the bus, only he disliked Obama more. In the interview he says that a Barack Obama presidency scared him more than anything.

He does talk about Sarah Palin and how "real" she is. I can actually believe that. The media is always giving her a bad rap, when really, it does appear that she simply wants to serve the people. An Alaskan hockey mom is probably exactly what we need folks. That's about as real as it gets!

You can read the article here.

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